Sam LeeI’d like to have interview with Sam LeeSam Lee, a prince of love song, is my favorite 賣房子singer. If I can have a chance to interview someone, I will select him to be my special guest. 個人信貸Why do I decide to choose him? There are some different reasons below. First of all, every one 買屋網of his song can touch my heart easily. I want to know about his life and how to sing songs as 室內設計moving as his. For another reason, I feel like seeing him face-to-face. So far, I just watch 新成屋him on TV. I hope I can go to his concert in the future. Last, but not least, I would like to 東森房屋give him plenty of encouragement and blessing. Sam is really a wonderful vocalist. I am the 酒肉朋友most loyal fan of him. His songs bring a lot of happiness to me. I hope he won’t stop singing 酒店經紀and composing love songs. Then, I can listen to his beautiful works forever.

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